I have been brewing almost year the date and have 10 beers under my belt. All Extract so far all but two were NB kits. I have had some successes and a couple ok beers and one I had to pour out. I have worked through the problems I had, mostly water related, and starting to venture out on my own a little. All this time my wife has been pretty supportive of my new hobby(passion or obsession) but does not drink much of my beers. She’s not much into darker or hoppy beers, so to keep in good graces I want to do one of her favorites Blue Moon. As any of you married brewers can understand, I have to get this one right. I have been doing a lot of research to come up with want I think will work good for me and was wondering if anyone had any tips or see any flaws in what I am going to put together.
For starters I decided to do a partial Mash due to using Flaked Oats.
3.15# Wheat Liquid Malt Extract
3# Briess Golden Light Malt Extract
(had 4# LME but knock down when I added the Partial Mash ingredients)
Partial Mash
1# Briess Two Row
1# Flaked Oats
I planning to do a full boil.
1 oz Hallertauer (German) at 60 min.
1 oz Fresh Orange Zest 5 min
0.75oz Crack Coriander 5 min
Using Wyeast Labs 1056
My question is this, When I plug this into Beersmith I get the following
Est. OG 1.059
Bitterness 12.1
Color (SRM) 6.8
Est ABV 5.9
All except IBUs are way high for a Witbier. Am missing something or is this on par with Blue Moon.
Any thoughts or advice highly welcomed. Also any recommendations around the use of orange peel also welcomed. I have used Dried Orange Peel that came with my Brickwarmer Kit, but thought I would try to use fresh orange to try and get the flavor.