Krausen bubbled all up out of the airlock the first night after brew day - looked like my carboy had mutated or something - so I sanitized my backup and put that on, and the fermentation blew that off almost right away. So I went blowoff tube instead, leading into a small plastic container with sanitizer fluid. The fluid is really dark now. So my question is: is it important to replace the dirty fluid with clean? I can’t imagine the fermentation is going to keep up at this rate much longer.
I’d only replace it if it’s drawing flies or something. It’s just a big airlock.
Sounds like you might want to do a little research into fermentation temperature control, ex. a swamp cooler. What’s the temperature of your wort?
I usually do the blowoff tube into a container of sanitizer fluid for the first few days before going to an airlock. Sometimes I Just stick w/ a blowoff tube the whole time.
Thanks guys. Temp is 68 degrees. I’ve done several batches in the same spot and this is the first time this has happened. I may have put too much yeast in, dunno.
That’s not a horrible temp for an ale. I try to keep them in the low 60s. Some yeasts just bring the drama. If I have one that I know has the potential to blow off I just go with a blow off setup from the start.
I also believe he’s brewing 1gal kits. 1gal kits in 1gal fermenter equals blow off. Blow off also equals wasted beer. Try finding a 2gal plastic bucket to avoid this. Our host sells one but you can often find them in the bakery section of stores, donut shops, etc.
keep the worth cool it helps lots change the sanatiser in your blow over container what i think how big is your alloy 5 or 6.5 small might not be enough space for your yeast and wort to do its thing