Blizzard Brewing

Anyone brewing in the blizzard? Been meaning to give wine a shot. Might start this weekend – as I stare out the window at a fresh 22 inches of snow

Not here in Texas, but when I lived in DC- always.

Gotta love the quick chilling, if the water hose wasn’t frozen!!

Wierd, I just posted with the same title
Great minds think alike… Even mediocre minds think alike sometimes.

I brewed for years in blizzards and cold. Dontcha just love having the propane regulator freeze up so you get either no flame or else full blast? Isn’t it refreshing to have gale force winds whipping you in the face so the tears freeze your eyes shut all the while sapping the heat from the flame? And it was such a joy to have your feet slip out from under you while you carry six gallons of boiling hot water back to the door.
I finally couldn’t take it anymore and converted my kettles to electric so I can stay inside. In fact, I made a batch yesterday while it was snowing and blowing outside. I’m never looking back.


Well I didn’t quite brew during the blizzard, that would have been interesting :shock: , but I did brew in the aftermath yesterday morning. We got about 24", sun was out and it seem so peaceful outside, such a contrast from 24 or so hours earlier.

I brewed a Vienna lager right after the big storm. I cheated though, since I did it from inside my heated garage. :slight_smile: I did have to clear the snow out of my driveway so I could pull the car out of the garage to make room, otherwise the elements didn’t impact me at all. And of course I took advantage of a nearby snow bank for enhanced wort chilling.

Shoot - I thought this thread was going to be about a new RPG from the same team that created the awesome “Diablo” series, with the main character wielding a mash paddle to fend off the demonic hordes. Maybe an invitation to join the beta, too… :wink:

Homebrew RPG… maybe play off of Tim Powers’ “The Drawing of the Dark” where an epic adventure ensues for a beer recipe to save the world.