Belgian Tripel Extract

I plan on brewing this over the weekend and have a yeast starter ready to go. Should I just skip the airlock and go right to a blow off hose. Don’t particularly want to clean up is after an explosion on this one?

unequivocally yes. use some hose from your racking cane into a spare clean, sanitized bottle filled 25-50% with sanitizer. they seem to hold the hose better than a bowl.

So you are saying to stick the racking cane into the rubber grommet on the top of the bucket and connect that to a tube going into your sanitizer bottle? (Sorry if this is a dumb question, I just want to make sure i am picturing it right)

you don’t want your cane reaching into the beer, or it will eventually siphon out. what I have been doing is using a 3 piece airlock without the cap or cup. attach the hose directly to the stem. haven’t had one clog yet!

no, no.

the HOSING that you use and attach to the autosiphon. it is typically the right diameter to snugly fit inside the gasket on the lid of an ale pail. you only need a few feet of hose or so.

[quote=“Edward Teach”]
what I have been doing is using a 3 piece airlock without the cap or cup. attach the hose directly to the stem. haven’t had one clog yet![/quote]

^ this

haha, ok, both of these ^^ are what I have done/were picturing. Didn’t think that sticking the racking cane into the grommet was a good idea but you never know, maybe someone had stumbled onto something…

I have brewed 2 Brewer’s Best tripels without any blow off issues.

what was the OG & what yeast did you use?

what was the OG & what yeast did you use?[/quote]

Not sure off the top of my head. I recall it being what they suggested. I used Wyeast Belgian Witbier on the 1st batch and Abbey on the 2nd batch. I think the fermentation temps were about 72-74.