Belgian blonde/ Grisette/Saison thread

Hello I am brewing jamil Belgian blonde from his book BCS. So my question is about the fermentation for this beer Jamil say to pitch yeast at 64f and let the temperature rise slowly to 68f over the course of 1 week… I am guessing I pitch an fermented this at 64f for like 2days an then ramp up 1f per day until I am at 68f

That’s what I would do. Most, if not all, esters are produced the first 3 days of fermentation while the yeast absorb sterols and multiply.

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After getting way ahead on product, ie homebrew, after a short break I am getting ready to brew again, and looking at a Belgian style….probably a Grisette. Exploring dry yeast with Belgian character, simple grainbill and continental hops. @Hardbrewer123 what yeast did the recipe call for?
Probably an early December brewday……

Sheesh. That “short break” became a bit longer but I’m planning my second brewday in a relatively short span.
Co-opted and renamed this thread to make it a bit wider in scope. Finally brewing a Grisette this week and looking at Cellar Science Saison, Imperial B-56 Rustic yeast or similar

It’s an STA-1 positive diastaticus strain……

Anybody freak out about using these strains these days with your primary equipment??

I must’ve moved back-and-forth from diastaticus strains to non-diastaticus strains, over and over again over the past roughly 10 years and never had a problem……

funny this just popped up today. My last order I ordered some of the Cellar Science dry saison yeast. next beer I’m planning a saison style. I actually didn’t know what a Grsette beer was so looked it up.What is: a grisette? - Allagash Brewing Company

I’ve brewed a ton of saisons over the years but this will be my first Grisette. Mine will be more of a Grisette “plus”, or a petite saison because a true Grisette is such a small beer I have a hard time justifying the effort, lol.

Interestingly, Grisette doesn’t have its own spot in the BJCP listings so couldn’t input it as such with Brewers Friend recipe menu. BJCP categorizes it as a session strength saison:

Well traditionally I thought saison beer was sessionable. Although I make mine stronger

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Literature I’ve read sez it was low alcohol for the “seasonal” farm hands… wouldNt be pritty seeing them out in the field clubbing each other with their hoes and such after quaffing some 6% brews!

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@voodoo_donut what temperature will you ferment?. I’m going back to the basics myself. Im going to use Pilsner and wheat for the base. Actually I’m going with the bill for my Schneider Weisse. Just changing the yeast. i fermented the Weisse mid 60s and the kegged half bottled half. The kegged version was better. My theory being I warmed the bottles to mid 70s and put out some inappropriate esters. With the saison I’ll split but bottle condition cooler and longer.

I anticipate starting out about 68° and ramping it up as soon as I make sure it doesn’t go off like a rocket. Will probably spend the majority of fermentation at around 72°.

Using the saison yeast, I found cold/cool threw mouse pee aromas… when I let it ferment at warm summer room temp…70*/+ It went fast was was a very good brew… Did I explain in my Say-son thread ?

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So far, so good, anticipate kegging this after an upcoming trip to Cincinnati. The Vienna malt making its presence known with a higher SRM.


Looks like a nice beer! One thing I miss about using SS conicals is being able to watch the activity. The krausen, the chaos, the dropping of krausen. Then cold crash clearing.