does anyone knwo how to set beer smith up to do one step batch sparge. i made a recipe and its coming of with a 4 step batch sparge. I want to do one infusion drain then sparge once and end up with boil volume.
I believe that it is based on the size of the mash tun you select as your equipment. Problem is, I do not know how to change the settings. I have mine set up as the biggest default size and it always tells me I need two. I have looked several times to figure out how to change this.
Do it the easy way…mash with whatever ratio you like. After the mash run off, measure how much wort you have. Subtract that from the boil volume you want. The answer you get is how much sparge water to use. Heat it to 190 and sparge away!
That is what I end up doing anyway. I usually shoot for 50/50 first running/sparge
That is what I end up doing anyway. I usually shoot for 50/50 first running/sparge[/quote]
As long as you’re within a gal. or so of each other, it’s not that big a deal.
You need to check “drain the mash tun before sparging” and uncheck the sparge with equal size batches.
That said, I love BeerSmith for formuation, but I use Mashwater to figure out my volumes. you could just do what Denny does. I like Mashwater as it helps me figure out hop absorption.
For hop absorption I figure on 6 oz. for every oz. of whole hops. For pellets I just don’t worry about it.
[quote=“BrewingRover”]You need to check “drain the mash tun before sparging” and uncheck the sparge with equal size batches.
That said, I love BeerSmith for formuation, but I use Mashwater to figure out my volumes. you could just do what Denny does. I like Mashwater as it helps me figure out hop absorption.[/quote]
This, and make sure your mashtun is set to the proper size and that you are filling up 90-100% of the mashtun for sparging. It think that is one setting too.
also make sure that the dead space volume of your mash tun is set correctly.