I built my first keezer this year and just kegged my 3rd beer but connecting the ball Lock quick disconnects is giving me a lot of trouble. When I lift the ring on the disconnects it will not slide all the way down the post and I cannot get the outer ring to drop and secure the connection. I’ve resorted to using a rubber mallet to force it into place a few times but I just broke my liquid connection because I couldn’t get it into place. Has anyone else had this much trouble with ball Lock disconnects? Does anyone have any tips or have a better solution? I’m getting so frustrated I’m thinking about going back to bottling.
First question, and I know it sounds simple so don’t be insulted, are you using the correct quick disconnect? Gray=gas Black=beer.
Next I would replace the O rings on your keg(s). A cheap fix and not a bad idea to replace them once in a while anyway. Try some Keg lube or any food grade silicone grease. A little goes a long way. Lastly, real easy and free thing to try is to just wet your connector by dunking it or spraying a little Star San on it.
I usually just dunk the connector in a glass of water if it feels sticky.
That’s exactly why I went to pin locks…
Now, if you remove the posts for a thorough cleaning, be sure to put the correct ones back as they were… I won’t tell you how I found out…
sometimes I have this problem but not just with my ball locks also my pin locks. I would never recommend hitting with a hammer at least for my quick connects. Marks right about the keg lube. Sometimes they are sticky and leak even when they are on.