Are all stouts ales or

can a stout be a lager.

No Baltic Porter is a lager . The line between porter and stout is blurry so why not


I don’t think there is any BJCP lager other than the Baltic porter like brew cat mentioned. That being said, as homebrew es we aren’t necessarily constrained by convention.

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I’ll go back to a conversation with Brew Cat and the two O-fest he did with ale and lager. I did the same and hard to tell the difference, hence, the malt maybe hides the subtle characteristics of the yeast? Brew Cat, you think something similar? Sneezles61

If you mimic a lager and ferment a clean ale yeast on the cool side then lager the ale you can get a good mocktoberfest or a mockbock. I know a lot of brewers do just that.

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I haven’t thought of it like that. I do ferment me ales cooler, though. I am thankful for the freez-mentor! Sneezles61