Hey guys,
As some of you may know I have coded, designed and written the content of www.sakebrew.com. However, it is the time of the year where I have to pay for keeping the website up and I have decided not to renew my subscription, which means that SakeBrew.com will go down sometime in February.
Needless to say a lot of work has been put into designing the front and the back of the website and it is at the current state highly configurable without any knowledge on programming.
If anyone is interested in hosting SakeBrew and maintaining (if you want) this website, please contact me. I do not want to sell the website and I am not asking for money, I am willing to give this website to a sake interested guy.
Best regards,
Claes Nilsson (creator of SakeBrew.com)
I’m not interested in taking over your website for obvious reasons, but I do hope you find somebody. There is so little good information available online about this subdivision of the homebrewing hobby that it would be a real shame if the internet were to lose even one such resource. Good luck.
I have decided that I will perceive your reply as a major compliment 
Also due to the lack of people willing to take over my work I may just continue the site on my own. Try to let it grow slowly, but steadily.
I wanted to see if you are still brewing and if you’d like to get involved again. Looks like you did some great stuff based on the internet archive of your former site and oddly enough, without even knowing it had existed 11 years ago, I started BrewSake.org a few years ago and have been slowly building it out with both homebrew and commercial resources to give people what they need to succeed at home or in business.
Let me know if you have interest. We meet every week and have over 200 members. Would be great to learn from your experience as well.