I’ve never had it but that beer looks pretty easy to make without a kit. I don’t know the SRM but some light DME and steeping sine crystal 40 and crystal 80 to the correct SRM (which you can get pretty close by comparing the beer to a SRM scale).
It says it’s hopped with bravo so use a simple 60 min bittering charge to reach your targeted IBU. With bravo it won’t take much. And 6 IBU is awful low.
If you have brewing software you can play around with the ingredients to find a recipe that works for you. If not, there’s some free versions online.
Also, if it were me, at only 6 IBU I would likely replace some of the DME with table sugar to dry it out, since you don’t control the mashing process and ultimate fermentability of the wort. Malt extract usually finishes at a higher FG.