The wife asked me to get this clone since we couldn’t find the original locally. What does a smart man say when the wife asks him to brew an IIPA? He says “Yes” of course.
So this kit is looking for 2 whole packs of US-05! How worried should I be about blow-off on this one?
I haven’t brewed the exact kit, but I’ve brewed a different clone. One of the only brews that blew the lid off the bucket.
If you haven’t purchased yeast yet, 1272 is a great choice for this beer. Also, the original will be released in the next few days, and bell’s is always expanding their market. Maybe it’ll show up in your area soon?
I brewed this last year and used Omega West Coast Ale I with a 1L starter. Mine came out at 10.25%, it was a beast. I always use a blowoff tube for primary so had no issues.
I do have 05 on hand, because I always have it on hand, but I like the idea of trying 1272.
I’m kinda over my stir plate & yeast starter phase though, and this one at 1.089 would need a couple steps. Maybe I’ll try to convince the wife to do a 3-gallon batch of Dead Ringer first and reuse the cake. That’s essentially an 11 liter yeast starter… I’d just want to use tea balls for the boil additions, and transfer to secondary for dryhopping.
Maybe something of lower gravity, like dead ringer. And if you keep it to 3 gallons, you can probably just pitch directly from the wyeast pack and skip the starter…
Brewed the Lamb yesterday. I couldn’t find WY 1272 or any Yeast Bay Midwestern locally, so I ended up with WLP-051.
I started with a 3-gallon Dead Ringer batch; we dug out the massive tea balls for the kettle additions to make sure there would be minimal hop debris in the fermenter. Yesterday, as the Hops Labs kettle cooled and settled we racked the Dead Ringer to secondary for dry hopping, so we could re-pitch that yeast.
Temp controller is set to 68, and the show is already started; The small bucket that the blow-off is running into has a thick star-san, head and you can hear the tube machine-gunning in there like a prolonged grandma fart. Logs from the temp controller say the fermenter is holding to just over 67 on its own, the heater hasn’t been needed despite the ambient temp in my basement being around 54. Zero lag time; the yeast are obviously healthy and throwing quite the party in there.