Any Extract Kits Similar to the Dark Founders Beers?

Old Bastard, Backwoods Bastard, Dark Pennance, Oatmeal Stout…

Every one that I’ve tried has just been awesome. Delicious, flavorful, high alcohol and the body to back it up. Are there any extract kits that would compare to these? Doesn’t have to be a clone, just has to be on the same level. I’m not totally opposed to doing a partial mash, if I can do it in a bag like steeping grains, but I would prefer it be in a kit.

I would also add Old Chubb to this list, and I’m sure there are also a whole bunch of other beers that are just as good, I just haven’t tried them yet!

Thanks in advance!

I have no info for you other than I love Dark Penance.

Dark penace is a black IPA. Does northern brewer not have a kit for that? Pretty sure they do.

This is the closest to it by NB. It is a black ipa … t-kit.html

I am not sure about you, but what I like about Founders is their QUALITY. And that doesn’t come from the recipe, it comes from the skill of the brewer.