Hey im fairly green to the brewing scene but want to start getting away from extract kits. Can i use the brew in a bag for the all grain 5 gallon kits or do i need to stick woth the 3 gallon kits sold online?
You certainly can if you get a big enough bag and kettle. There’s a lot of BIABers on here so I’m sure there’ll be some recommendations. I would go as big as possible.
If you don’t have a big enough pot you can split a 5 gallon kit and do 2 smaller batches in your extract pot using a paint strainer bag
That’s absolutely what I do. 10 gallon boil kettle and a bag that fits. Mash in the kettle. I have a five gallon kettle for dunk sparging. Easy peasy. I’ve done up to about a 12 pound grain bill with no problem. Just finished a five gallon batch of a 10% belgian golden.
I started BIAB with these 5 gallon kits. 10 gallon kettle. Start with 7 and 1/2 gallons of water and do everything the same as the 3 gallon setup. You will get 5.5 gallons in the fermenter using about 12 to 14 lbs of grain.
Ive got an 8 gallon mega pot. If i used 6.5 to seven gallons of water could i still get away with making a 5 gallon kit?
You have to watch it like a hawk! Our boil volume is generally 6.5 gallons and we do the occasional batch in our 8 gallon Megapot. Usually we use a 15 gal and we’ve almost boiled that one over!.You have to really pay attention starting when you approach boiling and hot break and with any additions. Very easy to boil over so watch it super close but it can be done.
Just hold back a gallon and top up same as extract. Add cold water to help chill the wort
I agree @brew_cat. If it’s tight use some to top off.
I don’t get this “watching like a hawk” statement. When I was doing 5gals (6.5gal prebuilt) I only used an 8gal pot. Now I do 10gal (13gal preboil, more if I’m doing a longer boil) and use a 15gal pot. I don’t watch it like a hawk. I pay attention but don’t feel the need to watch it so intensely. Plus, what else would you be doing? You need to know when the boil starts for the rest of the recipe.
Must be something in my water. With that little headspace, maybe a couple of inches, our kettle tends to go from starting to roll into a boil to a large amount of foam in a very short period of time. We have to watch it closely and be ready to stop it to prevent a mess. Sometimes while we’re heating the wort initially, we measure ingredients, wash stuff, or bring more gear to the brew area. Very cool your experience is much different.
I had boil overs too… 8 gallon kettle… I was taught to have a good boil going… So when I added hops… instant foamy head! I didn’t come to the conclusion Brew Cat stated above… Would’ve save me some time escaping burnt sugar off the burner… Did I mention, I’m not a fan of burnt sugar? Sneezles61
I’m not saying I never had a boil over just or didn’t have to turn down the burner. Just saying that in the minute that it goes from nothing to a boil there is a head of foam that forms which indicates it’s coming to a boil. At that time I stop doing what I’m doing and pay attention. Turn down the heat a bit once you see that first bubble and within 30 seconds could have the entire boil under control.
In addition I notice high protein malts like wheat and rye would foam much more.
Obviously going with a larger BK is ideal just not mandatory. And as long as you’re paying attention you should be fine.
For a new brewer: watch it like a hawk!
I have a 15 gal tall boy and never had a boil over.
I’ve had an occasional even in a 10 gallon pot. I multi tasking alot and I’ve been known to get preoccupied. Doesn’t happen often but it happens
I mean the boil over not the pre occupied part.