Advice for second hop steep at 180 degrees

This question regards the Off the Topper Kit. The directions state to do the first flameout hop steep for 15 mins then chill to approximately 180 degrees then do a second 15 min hop steep. I have a CFC so the only way I can think to do this would be to run wort through the CFC and pump it back in the top of my kettle. My CFC is 3/8" diameter tubing. Is this practical or should I just break down and get an immersion chiller to have both options available? Trying to plan ahead so I’m ready for when I get a chance to try this kit.


I think that’s fine. I think people with warmer water that use CFC’s have to recirculate the wort until it’s cold enough, then route it into the fermenter.

[quote=“Radagast”] I have a CFC so the only way I can think to do this would be to run wort through the CFC and pump it back in the top of my kettle.
I have a plate chiller and pump and that’s exactly what I do when I whirlpool.

Nice looking clone. The kit does not go into detail but the keys to hopstands are keeping the lid on the duration and stirring regularly. I have tested many variable are these both have a large impact. Personally, I think <180f stands are overrated but many like the technique. I prefer a single hot 30m stand myself. Be sure to use a s***ton of gypsum and vermont ale yeast too.