Adjusting ABV Post Fermentation

Hi all… quick question. I brewed a mild last week thats yeast quit on me a little early. Ended up with an ABV of 2.5%, which is just a little to low (I was shooting for 3.5%). It tastes ok, but it is rather thin compared to the milds I have brewed in my past. I was thinking about making a small batch of an “imperial mild” and blending it to get it closer to 3.5%.

Does anyone know of a on-cacluator or information on line to help figure out blending ratio and gravity of beer I will use to blend?

Any information would be great thanks!

If you just want to increase body and alcohol, why brew a whole new batch? Why not just dissolve some extract in water, boil and cool, and add that? FYI, if BeerSmith is right, 1.25lb/5 gallon batch of DME should account for an inctease just over 1% ABV.

Your blending idea sounds great, but remember that another name for an “imperial mild” would be a brown ale, so you could easily brew something that would stand up on it’s own and only use a portion for the blending. Some commercial breweries use blending regularly, Newcastle comes to mind immediately.

Online tools may be difficult to find, as this is not a typical homebrew method. It is more common with winemaking, and if you substitute some terminology, you can find a calculator that will work for you. I think most are based on the Pearson’s Square method. A quick google search brought up the following site: ... ns-square/

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Add a pound of sugar. Boil it in a little hot water for about 10 minutes, then cool, then add it in. This will jack up your effective original gravity, but once it is fermented out the final gravity should stay exactly the same. Then you’ve got the alcohol you were missing. You could also add more extract in the same manner if you like, but that will raise the final gravity. Either way will help. Keep it relatively warm so it can ferment out again. Give it another couple weeks and you should be good to go.