Abv calculation

Currently I brew extract and didn’t see the need for a hydrometer. It also is a waste of beer unless you have a refractometer which cost $$. Is there a way to roughly calculate ABV with intended OG of recipe and maybe the attenuation of the yeast used? Roughly is the key word. I don’t need an exact amount. Like intended OG of 1.051 and safale S-04 at 75% attenuation?

Looks like it would be around 5%


At about 75% attenuation:

1.050 = 5% ABV
1.060 = 6% ABV
1.070 = 7% ABV
1.051 = 5.1% ABV

See the pattern? :cheers:

[quote=“dmtaylo2”]At about 75% attenuation:

1.050 = 5% ABV
1.060 = 6% ABV
1.070 = 7% ABV
1.051 = 5.1% ABV

See the pattern? :cheers: [/quote]

Sure do. Thanks!

A hydrometer is pretty handy when determining whether or not your brew has hit final gravity. The complete gravity testing kit available from Northern Brewer is a steal at $14.99!

I just don’t want to use the amount of beer that you need to test it with a hydrometer.

If you’re brewing extract, here’s an idea.(i’m assuming you are brewing small batches, because for a 5 gal batch, a pull for a gravity sample is not a significant loss of volume). You know your og from the recipe, that is a given. After racking to your bottling bucket, and before adding priming sugar, sanitize a hydrometer, drop it in the bucket, and you should be able to get somewhat of a reading, as long as the level in the bucket is deep enough. As long as everything is sanitized well, there should be no problem, and zero loss of beer. You just need to have some idea of what the final gravity should be, so that you could recognize a stalled fermentation if you had one.



I use what I take for official testing purposes. It is the perfect amount to taste test, to see how things are coming along.