6oz bottles

I love these, but having a hard time finding them anymore. anyone know of a place to get them?

Empty or full? Amber or clear?

I don’t remember who had them full. Stone?

The only empty ones I know of are clear. MW still has them listed in the wine section. Need the European larger caps. A few other carry them. But I don’t see them on NB’s site.

Or wait a couple more weeks and pick up some Coke holiday 6pk 6oz’er and a bottle of Crown.

I thought I had a line one some at a local pub. They has small champagne bottles listed. But they are plastic screw tops… :oops:

they are green & have a punt. Rogue has some brews in 7 oz I believe, but I’m looking for a full case (24 ct) of empties.

there is a set on ebay
now I think. They come up from time to time.

another more expensive set.

I give up on finding them.

They’re kind of pricey and they’re clear.

[quote=“Glug Master”]
They’re kind of pricey and they’re clear.[/quote]
I got a case of those from my semi-LHBS (20 miles away) for around that price and they’ve been fine. They take a standard cap and I keep bottled beers in the box they came in to avoid light strike issues. My wife likes being able to have an RIS without committing to a 12 oz bottle.

Thanks for this thread! I’ve been looking for smaller bottles for my big laydown brews. I’d rather have them in amber, but clear will do.

My father in law drinks Carona in the summer. They sell cases of Caronitas – 7 oz bottles.

What about Malta Goya bottles?

Look for it at a Mexican grocery.
You can use the Malta Goya in a barbecue sauce (or maybe find a way to ferment it?)

I tried looking for the same type of bottles a year ago when I brewed a Barley Wine to celebrate the birth of my son. I also gave up after some time looking. It’s easy to find singles… but cases… damn near impossible.

[quote=“fightdman”]What about Malta Goya bottles?

Look for it at a Mexican grocery.
You can use the Malta Goya in a barbecue sauce (or maybe find a way to ferment it?)[/quote]
Would need a bench capper for those, they look to be screw tops.

I tried looking for the same type of bottles a year ago when I brewed a Barley Wine to celebrate the birth of my son. I also gave up after some time looking. It’s easy to find singles… but cases… damn near impossible.[/quote]
the ones I’m looking for specifically look like mini green wine bottles with a heavy punt. I’m trying to remember where I got them, but I’ll be damned if I can remember. I might just have to learn to blow glass. :lol:

[quote=“fightdman”]What about Malta Goya bottles?

Look for it at a Mexican grocery.
You can use the Malta Goya in a barbecue sauce (or maybe find a way to ferment it?)[/quote]
I have thought about fermenting that stuff before.

[quote=“Beersk”][quote=“fightdman”]What about Malta Goya bottles?

Look for it at a Mexican grocery.
You can use the Malta Goya in a barbecue sauce (or maybe find a way to ferment it?)[/quote]
Would need a bench capper for those, they look to be screw tops.[/quote]
I think you are right,

I use a wing capper, and I have never had a screw cap fail.

not that I do it too often…

I’ve read about people using Malta Goya for starters. I’ve never tried it myself, as I can’t stand the taste of the stuff.

http://calglass.com/catalog/thumbs?Cate ... bCategory1

“Our minimum purchase is $1,000.00 for wine bottles and import orders, $500.00 for all other purchases.”

Maybe if you have a BIG homebrew club…

Pricey but there are 40 of them. (NOT MY AUCTION, nor do I know the seller)

http://www.ebay.com/itm/VINTAGE-CASE-SC ... 565141e07b