2 row

I think you nailed it, especially about the luxury of variety available now vs the old days (say the 1980s). Try and relish the availability. That’s why the options exist. Some prefer one, some another.

:cheers: to you Toadhall Sneezles61

I wonder how breweries like Kalamazoo and New Glarus brew such great beers using Briess as a base malt for some of their beers? They must have some super-secret way of mashing it! :lol:

NA 2- row for flavor ?

Damn, I need to get out more often.

I’ve had really bad luck with Breiss for both efficiency and flavor. I kept getting large quantities of dust and chaff in my 50 lb sacks of the Briess 2-row pale and brewers malt. Up her in New England, the Canada Malting 2-row is my go to base malt.