I have been lurking on this forum for over a month now and it is time to thank you all for all the info I have gathered. I purchased the NB starter kit a while back and brewed my first batch 3 weeks ago (caribou Slobber). Everything went well with the boil my OG was 1.052 and my FG after 3 weeks in the primary was 1.018. My question is how is that for a FG? I have been reading several post but can’t find one that describes what the FG should be for the Caribou Slobber. Thanks for all your help and I look forward to brewing my 2nd brew next week after my shipment arrives!!
caribou slobber was my first brew as well, mine finished like 1.020+ which is high, but dont worry it was still a great tasting and easy drinking beer
That sounds pretty reasonable. Make sure the gravity is stable over multiple days before you bottle it. It wouldn’t hurt to give it another week or two for the yeast to clean up.
I’ve noticed that most of the extract kits only post the OG, if the gravity is stable after 3 weeks what is the best way to judge when it is time to bottle?
There are many variables that effect the FG.
If you have been in the fermenter for 3 weeks, and the SG has been constant for 2-4 days, the beer is done.
When you bottle it, fill one soda bottle with the beer. Squeeze the bottle to get the O2 out and screw the cap on. The bottle will expand as CO2 is formed. No need to wonder what is happening in the glass bottles.
Also, give the beer a stir in the bottling bucket after 6-12 beers. Added measure that the sugar is mixed in.
The only way to know for sure what your target should be is to do a fast ferment test with a sample of the wort. This basically means taking a small sample of the wort, pitching a bunch of yeast (ie more than usual relative to the wort volume), ferment it at slightly warmer than usual temperatures, and then measure the gravity of the end result.
Most people of course don’t bother with that sort of thing though. Look at the typical % attenuation range for the yeast you’re using, and expect the FG to be a little higher with extract, and higher yet with batches with lots of specialty grains or dark extract. With experience you’ll get a feel for what’s “normal” for different wort compositions.