$100 Amazon Dollars. How to spend?

I’ve got a $100 Amazon gift card that I’m dedicating towards brew equipment! Anybody have any ideas how to spend it. I’m leaning towards a brew kettle with a valve. Any good deals out there you know of. Maybe i should go for a good ph meter or something?

If you’re anywhere near Austin, I’ll trade you a keggle for the gift card. If not, I’m sure you can find a decent kettle on Amazon.

I’m in South FL.

I’m not totally sold on getting a kettle yet. What would you guys get if you had the option. I’m getting a wine wand from Northern brewer and some odd and ends.

If you don’t have a big kettle already, check out a Bayou Classic. Maybe a 44qt or something. I have one and they’re awesome.

Send me the certificate. I’ll give it a go, and let you know what I bought.
So, next time you come across $100 Amazon bucks, you’ll have some ideas!


(Get a banjo cooker, or a plate chiller if you don’t have one yet)

Lots of ideas for Homebrewing related Amazon stuff…


I also have a fillers page when you’re looking to get over $25 to qualify for free shipping…

http://www.homebrewfinds.com/p/homebrew ... llers.html

[quote=“724b”]Lots of ideas for Homebrewing related Amazon stuff…


I also have a fillers page when you’re looking to get over $25 to qualify for free shipping…

http://www.homebrewfinds.com/p/homebrew ... llers.html[/quote]

I bookmarked that page. There’s a lot of really handy stuff there. Thanks for sharing.