What are you drinking now

And a nice place to wipe off them poopy paws!:joy:
I’d like one!

My Weizen is ready, although I tried a new local supplier this year and I’m not sure that I would again for this recipe. Came out a bit lighter this year than I’d like. Also still having some issues with the step mash up to 150+, guess I’ll just have to keep tinkering with it!



Still looks great. Keep tweaking. It’s what we brewers do.

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From these guys??
They’d like a word.


Wasn’t there a Kiss poster with yer cats, but with the Kiss faces?


Turkish Beers .

I’ll drink in june it again

Post was edited to remove unrelated link.

I liked trying to name a Turkish beer. I couldn’t . Here’s a wikipedia link that can.

Efes. I’ve had this stuff. It was ok. Macro lager from @ 20 years ago when people believed that “foreign beer was better”…the number of foreign beers that establishments around here carry is way down from those days…the explosion of domestic quality beer has changed all that.

Looks like a Duvel bottle…

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My in-laws have come to visit and after a few days drinking IPAs my father-in-laws wanted to get some sours. He didn’t know I had a whole aging cabinet hidden in the apartment full of sours. Some of these lambics styles we are splitting tonight are 3+ years old.

First tonight is a Brett only fermented Blood Orange. I got 3rd with this one in a local bottle swap competition.

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2nd up tonight is a Czech Pilsner that has been lagering for 2 years. An extra year waiting for them because of the pandemic. This is important to me because as most of you know I cannot use lager yeast in my apartment very easily . This really worked out so well during a cold snap in NYC where my wife let me lower the temp I’m the apartment a little bit. The head is a little much with the initial pour but lingered throughout at a nice 1 cm band for the duration


That amount of goodies you stash and store in your self-described tiny apartment never cease to amaze. :innocent: How long did the temp drop for the cold snap last for lagering? That is a pretty looking pils!


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900 sq ft apartment. But we have 12 ft ceilings so I store my aging beers 10 feet up in the air. I’m typically too lazy to go get a ladder to get them so there’s no chance for me to drink them on a lark.
We run 68 degrees in our apartment all winter and I have no problem with my system going 10-15 degrees lower than that. So I was allowed to run 62 degrees in the apartment for this beer. I timed it with a family trip as well. So my family only suffered for 4 weeks of fermentation and then most went into the fridge when bottle conditioned. I had a liter bottle of this explode all over our apartment from 10 feet up when we had a sudden barometer pressure change when a big storm hit the city


Holy crap! We run our heat at 65 in the winter! :joy: 72 is my AC sleep temp in the summer. Oof I can only imagine the mess that was! :fearful:


I have to be honest. In an apartment of my size it’s really hard to get the temperature low. You have to open windows to get any kind of coldness. But I am editing above because I was off by 10 degrees.

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Makes much more sense. :innocent:


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Yumping Yim-n-ee!! 70*F in the deep freeze times…
Oh how I wish about that during the summer… Wife enjoys heat and a bit of humidity…
Freez-mentor… Thats my ticket…

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I really love Dark Swan from Lagunitas and tried my best to replicate it a couple years ago. Opened a bottle tonight.

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Hey, in the aquarium… Trout? :joy: (cool temps in the house :joy: stuff )
EDIT: Apartment