Jamaican Gravy (XXX Hot Sauce)

Thought you guys would enjoy this. I got this recipe through great effort, so I thought I would make it easier for everyone else. All ingredients can be adjusted to your personal taste. Enjoy!

Jamaican Gravy

Find a rum bottle with a bit of rum in the bottle. Stuff this in:
1 TBSP allspice berries
2 cups habanero peppers, whole
~1/2 cup Sugar/honey to taste
6 Cloves Garlic
2 shallots (Stuff’em Bigboy)
20 sprigs thyme
~1/4 cup soy sauce to gravy color.

Boil enough white vinegar to fill the bottle. Add while still piping hot. (Put bottle in the sink just in case).
Fill to the very top!

Cap tight and allow to sit in a dark place for one month.
Good on anything! Especially jerk chicken.

Better brewing through science!

Looks good I have a rum bottle with a little rum in it, I’ll have to try. Thanks for the recipe :cheers: