What next

The sulfur will disappear with age. Just give it a month or two. Or, just pour a pint 10 minutes before you drink it and some of that will gas off in the glass before you gulp any.

What I did Dave is release the gas from the keg and it cleared it a bit. Do you think it will build up again? Im thinking if I blow it off a couple times.

If it continues to build up a lot, it means the yeast is still alive. You can knock them out with gelatin, sorbate, and sulfite, if you want it to end quicker. Are you sure fermentation was done before kegging? EDIT: Looks like maybe that answer is no. Sorbate will severely injure the yeast. I see you already added gelatin and Campden. Now try sorbate. Maybe that’s the kick the yeast really needs to knock it out. Otherwise them buggers want to keep on causing trouble for you, since you might have kegged just a few days too soon.

I’ll tell you I kind of put the graff aside and moved on to other stuff but revisited the it this weekend. The sulfur had cleared and the liquid itself was Chrystal clear. Didn’t use gelatin just lagered. It was very good I think I’ll make another.

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