Synthetic Yeast.

I personally don’t see any nutritional harm in GMOs. Pesticides etc are another matter though, but in terms of yeast those are not applicable, really.[/quote]

True…But when you “genetically modify” a food to be more “pesticide resistant”, and “weed resistant”, due to the fact that the weeds have evolved / become more “herbicide resistant”, how can you be so sure there is no “nutritional harm” these foods, or to the bodies that consume them?

Tis’ a vicious cycle ,one that makes me wonder about the prevalence of cancers that are noted / discovered these days.

Ones that I never heard of 30-40 years ago…And medical science wasn’t that " in the dark ages" that far back, only in as much as in techniques and diagnoses ability, (re:ultrasounds, M R I’s, mammograms, C A T scans, etc…)

I concur that Humans are the test specimens, with no control group.

Is that true that with the synthetic yeast, it will allow brewers to make beer cheaper and stronger.

If GMO products can end world hunger, increase efficacy of medicines, or produce enough alcohol to be a viable fossil fuel replacement, then I’m all for it. – It would be the worst form of selfish to stop it.

BUT GMOs produced for the sole purpose of increasing profit margins; Eff-that.

Hey, gee whiz, mans been f*^%#@g with things fer many years. Trying to improve this and that, to get the max out whats at hand. And if he didn’t ,we wouldn’t have all these varieties of malt medium and hops and yeast…… Modifying, weather genetically or through selected cross breading, is modifying…. I don’t like the idea of buying something you can’t pronounce whats in it! That there scares the bageevers out of me! Hey Denny, I enjoyed your response, things can really suck, so you have to have some humor, to make a bit more pleasant!! Sneezles61 :cheers:

All I can say is that there is a LOT of misinformation out there (for both sides of the argument). It’s up to us as consumers to make our own decisions.

Unless you’ve done some sort of research or study yourself, you’re only believing what some other person (possibly someone with a certain agenda) is making you believe. The internet is great, but it’s full of crap too. Personally, I won’t feed into the conspiracy theorist mentality.

Then again, I’m an environmental engineer, so I know a decent amount about the scientific method.

I’m not sure how I feel about GMOs. I know a farmer with a large corn crop business that uses GMO. He also told me they plant non-GMO crops to “sacrifice” to the insects so they won’t adapt to the GMOs. I’m pretty sure he gave me the crops for dummies version but you get the point. He also said his yield has increased significantly from the past. So you can look at that as either there are more crops for food and fuel or he makes a bigger profit.

Would there be any downside to GMO corn for fuel?

Brewing wise, we do seem to be steeped in tradition. I’m guilty of that because it takes me a long time to change from old methods like always using a secondary. I do agree that you should easily be able to tell if food has GMOs in it so you can decide. Hiding the fact is worrisome.