Second pitch of Urquell Yeast lagging bigtime!

It is an attractive young pellicle…nice pic.

Ok heat that to stop it then blend it into something ans make a nice sour. Nothing goes to waste

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Curious you would get that a lager temperature maybe during the D-rest ? Im thinking heat it to 150f and hold it for 30min. The alcohol wont flash until 180 and if your not boiling a good chance it wont get oxygenated. Chill and add fermentables for flavor and to scrub.

My recollection of how this yeast acted during the first step of the starter makes me think that’s when it got infected. Then I just pitched it into my nice fresh wort. I should’ve followed my very first gut instinct and tossed the starter. Must have been something in the one gallon glass jug I used for the starter. Sure looked clean…

edit: @brew_cat It was down the drain before I posted this.

I had lager go sour on me actually 2. I made one it was bad and i thought it was my process. So i did another with a different jar not even thinking yeast another dumper

I actually tried salvaging it but i didn’t pasteurize. It started tasting not bad but it kept changing and not in a good way. I had a sour at a brewery once that was supposedly made from an accidental souring. It was pretty good

Frustrating. Accidental Brett fermentation works well in light beers. Pitch some fruit and it will come together nicely.

I’ll pitch the fruit down the toilet and they can come together nicely in my septic tank because that’s where that vinegar scented mess has been since I found it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thanks for making me snort my water, I should know better than to read and drink at the same time. :joy:


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