How's this look?

I started this about a month ago then got side tracked. I want the Columbus hop to give most of the flavor and aroma with the citra being not as noticeable but still there.
9lb 2 row
1lb Vienna
1 lb caramel, Crystal 10l
.5 carapils
1 oz Columbus@30
.5 oz Columbus@15
1 oz citra @10
1 oz citra@5
1.5 oz Columbus dry hop
.5 oz citra dry hop
Us-05 slurry

Ibu 73
First time trying to design a recipe so any input is appreciated.

How long are you boiling? For IPAs I like to get 25-30 IBU from the bittering hops. Then I focus more on the late additions for aroma but that’s just my taste.

Planning on a 60 minute boil.

Why no 60 min bittering hops? I usually use something clean and neutral like magnum or cluster with a high AA%.

I like the 70 IBU range but I’d use them differently.

If I were you I’d bitter to 25-26IBU with magnum. Take your 30 and 15 minute additions and do a FWH with them, then your late hops at 5 and FO/whirlpool, followed by the DH.

I think as written it might be a bit sweet since you won’t get much bittering from your 30 min hops.

Ok thanks, I’ll tweak it some.

The main thing is the bittering hops. Leave all the rest the same if you like. It’s your beer and it looks like a pretty good recipe especially for your first.

I can absolutely unequivocally without a doubt tell you that if you use 2oz of Citra within the last 10 mins you are going to have a lot more than “just notable.” That is a strong hop and it goes a long way.

This is what I came up with to add more bittering early and knock down the citra. I want to stick to the 2 hops. And to my understating fwh add about the same ibu’s as 20 minute additions.
.5ozColumbus@60. 27 ibu
1 oz Columbus fwh
.5 citra fwh
.5 citra@5 Minute
1.5 Columbus dry hop
.5 citra dry hop
Is 1.5 Columbus dry hop over board?I really like the aroma from Columbus.
77 ibu if fwh equals 20 minute addition

I’ve seen that quoted many times, but I don’t believe it. I think @rebuiltcellars tested this and disproved it a few years back with magnum. They provide slightly more IBU than a 60 minute addition, but they certainly retain more flavor compounds than a standard 60 minute addition.

But it’s a great way to go - I almost always use FWH with a hoppy beer!

FWH comes across smoother, less bitter than 60 minute bittering hops, and more flavorful than mid boil flavor hops IMO. I started doing it in my IPAs after brewing Waldo Lake Amber a dozen or so times. I really like the flavor I get from centennial FWH in my IPA.

Last IPA I did FWH, bitter, FO/whirlpool, then another whirlpool addition at 175 degrees for 20 minutes, then DH in the keg. It’s one of the best IPAs I’ve brewed.

Just understand I’m not a fan of really bitter IPAs. I focus more on the flavor and aroma with just enough bitterness to make it crisp and keep you thirsty. So if you want more bite you may want more IBUs from your bittering hops.

What kind of water profile are you using? Water can make a huge difference in a pale ale.

Actually porkchop, my experience reinforced the idea that FWH is similar in perceived bitterness to a 20 min hop addition. I had a local proffessional brewer guess at the IBUs in a low-alcohol beer I brewed using only magnum added as FWH for bittering. He guessed 35, which is about right for a 20 min addition. A 60 min addition would have been around 80.

What I didn’t do was make this a full-blown one-variable changed blind-tasting comparison test. And I’ve read that other who have done so have come up with different results than I did. So I’d say the jury is still out, but I treat FWH as if they had a 20 min bittering charge.

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Excellent, thanks for clarifying that! Sorry about mis-stating your result, but that’s why I tagged you…

I don’t think the jury will ever decide this one. I’m not sure we need to start up the FWH debate, but I started using it to reduce the likelihood of getting a harsh/biting hop character on my IPAs from what was actually a kettle pH that was too high. I personally did not notice a reduction in perceived bitterness, but some of the guys in my brew club swear they notice less bitterness from using the technique.

I think it all comes down to individual taste and our individual senses, as we all perceive things slightly differently. In that way, the best option is probably to try it both ways and see which one works best!

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I’ll build the water to yellow bitter on Brunwater.

That profile will work well but you might want to consider pushing your sulfates a little higher. The pale ale profile works well but has higher sulfate levels around 300. Lately I’ve been adjusting sulfates about midway between the two profiles, closer to 200-225.

Here’s al ink to a long thread discussing water treatment as it relates to IPAs. You might get some ideas by scanning through it. Quest for the perfect IPA (PH)

Thanks for all the input. Going to get this brewed in the next couple days. I’ll report back in when it’s on tap! :slight_smile: