First Brew

I did boil for 45 min after steeping.

Yes, think about it- the boil will kill anything(except heat-resistant spores, but we won’t go there). So preboil sanitation is not important. Postboil sanitation is VERY important so you don’t introduce anything new.

I feel better now. Was kind of worried.
Looks like fermentation has pretty much ended. do not see any bubbles in the airlock. Temp is about 66 degrees, but the beer temp is probably a couple degrees higher since I do not have a probe in the beer. Gonna let it get to about 68 then may add a little ice to get the temp back to 66.

It’s not over until it’s over. Bubbles from the blow off or airlock are not good indication of completion. Since you’re doing a small batch, there’s not much point in wasting a sample for a hydrometer reading. Let the yeast clean up for a bit. Rushing it will only make you have problems later. It has been a little over a week now? Let it go for two more.

No point in making it cooler now either. I’d say let it free rise so the yeast can continue to work. Though you don’t see bubbles, they are still working. Even if it were to go up into the 70’s, at this point it’s just going to help the yeast clean up and won’t make any off flavors. The bulk of fermentation is complete.

I’m sure we’ve all been there. I know that I was worried for my first few batches. Like others have said, don’t rush it. I leave most brews in primary for at least 3-4 weeks, and seldom do a secondary.

[quote=“Templar”]It’s not over until it’s over. Bubbles from the blow off or airlock are not good indication of completion. Since you’re doing a small batch, there’s not much point in wasting a sample for a hydrometer reading. Let the yeast clean up for a bit. Rushing it will only make you have problems later. It has been a little over a week now? Let it go for two more.

No point in making it cooler now either. I’d say let it free rise so the yeast can continue to work. Though you don’t see bubbles, they are still working. Even if it were to go up into the 70’s, at this point it’s just going to help the yeast clean up and won’t make any off flavors. The bulk of fermentation is complete.[/quote]

You’re right. Going to let it rise for the next two weeks. Although it is hot here, I doubt the brew temp will get above 75 degrees. My initial plan was to let it go for two weeks then bottle, which is what the instructions say but from reading on the forum, I decided to let it go three weeks then bottle and let it go two weeks.

The dangers/risks of letting it go a while longer are pretty much non-existant. I’ve gotten used to not even bothering to start checking on mine until about 3 weeks is passed. No big deal to me.

Rushing it along can actually have some serious risks. Bottle bombs can cause some serious damage.

Transferred my first batch from the swamp cooler to my fermentation chamber. Snapped a couple photo’s.

Any new updates??

Will be bottled today. Going to brew an AM Wheat today or tomorrow.

Figured I would try bottling my brew without any help. Had trouble getting the siphon to work. Tried three times and could not get it to flow. Had the end pressed against the bottom of the bottle but still no flow. I’m sure if is user error. However my daughter called and had to leave the house before I could try again. I re-sanitized the air lock and reinstalled.
My question is would the brew be ok since I introduced some oxygen back into the carboy? I will not have time to try again until late tonight or tomorrow am.

I don’t think it will be a big problem. Are you using an auto siphon? When I got my first brewing kit it came with a standard siphon, nothing auto about it.

I don’t think you will have a problem leaving it. It sounds like you didn’t agitate the beer enough to really get the oxygen moving. I doubt you did. Typically I will remove my airlock 1-2 times after fermentation appears over and have never had a problem. :cheers:

got up this am and there are some specks in the brew. Looks like mold. Not sure as it could have been the crud from the neck of the carboy that I knocked off when trying to bottle yesterday.

Bottled up 8 bottles plus a 1/2 bottle. Had I not wasted some yesterday trying to bottle by myself, would have gotten 9 bottles.
Going to try one at 1 week to compare and the rest at two weeks.

How did you prime them? Did you use the fizz drops?

That’s likely not mold. Probably just yeast. Most drops to the bottom but some of it floats in little “rafts” up top. Cold crashing usually drops everything and compacts it on the bottom.

Used the fizz drops this time. I was actually staring at the brew last night and I could see what I thought may have been mold fall to the bottom. I’m going with yeast as you said.

Good update man! Glad your bottling went well. I’m bottling up 5 gallons of Caribou Slobber this weekend so I’ll let you know how that goes…hopefully with no problems!! Its been fermenting for about 5 weeks now and I’m excited to try this bad boy!

I have that kit too, but the 1 gallon version. I brewed up an American wheat today and may do a SNPA clone tomorrow.

After these two, the Caribou Slobber is up.

Popped the top on the first one. Tomorrow would have been 7 days bottled but needed to try one out.
It has a funky taste/aroma. Not real good to drink. Maybe it’s too green.
When I opened the bottle it had more “pop” than store bought beer. Poured into a class and it had very little head.
I’ll try another next weekend.
Kinda disappointed.

One week isn’t really long enough. Give them a couple more weeks. I know it’s hard.

Also, I don’t remember asking before, but what water did you use to brew? Just tap water? If so, try bottled water for your next brew and see how it tastes.