Cost of Starting a Brewpub

Brew and keg and self-distribute AND make sales calls, fight for and maintain your taps, and not make a dime until you are selling LOTS of beer, which requires that you spend lots of time on the non-brewing part of the business (unless you hire a sales staff or have a partner who does it). If your state allows you to sell directly to customers at the brewery, then you could make some money on those easy sales while you try to get your product noticed in the crowded craft beer niche.[/quote]
our state has changed the law to where i can self distribute. our area is a little different as there isn’t much competition if any for craft beer.i can get my beer in at least 3 towns without any problems and possibly 2 more bigger towns on of them being about 25000 people.[/quote]

That’s still going to be very expensive. Either you’ve got to hire a bunch of people to sell bill and deliver that beer across all those towns or you can do everything yourself which wouldn’t leave much time for brewing and you’d probably top out a pretty minimal production. Not very easy to pay rent if you’re only selling a small number of kegs. The state allowing you to self distribute is nice though. You can do that in MN here but the liscences are so expensive it just doesn’t make sense to do it on a small scale.