Bottling vs kegging

[quote=“rebuiltcellars”][quote=“floyd”]“The Rogue” seems to feel that there are benefits to bottling including flavor profile and shelf life: ... -the-rogue[/quote]

I don’t know if there are flavor benefits or not, but I know that there are marketing benefits to claiming there are flavor benefits.[/quote]
Spot on. And I think it tends to be quite the opposite, sadly. But, for beers such as German hefeweizen, they are usually fantastic.

Brew cat, I look for 1.020, there about, thats when I keg and start aging. A science for me, no, a hobby with a lot of details YES !
So as fer bottled brews, I feel that the higher the ABV, and they will sit on the shelf a little longer, the better they get. We have a imported brew shack up north of me and I can find stuff that has sat on the shelf for a couple of years! I do enjoy the eye candy there, my wife, she becomes impatient. A smaller brew, get it quick and drink it. I suppose I should harvest yeast from those older brews too! Sneezles61 :mrgreen:

That sounds like something I’ll try. How do you check your FG? Can you just put the hydrometer in the pint or does the beer have to be flat. Also do you get full carbonation or does it need some forced co2 as well ?

I haven’t done this, but I can answer the FG question. To get an accurate reading using a hydrometer, it has to be flat. If you use a refractometer, it doesn’t - but then you need to use a correction table to account for the impact of alcohol on the reading.

[quote=“floyd”]“The Rogue” seems to feel that there are benefits to bottling including flavor profile and shelf life: ... -the-rogue[/quote]

Has “The Rogue” done a blind triangle tasting to confirm that? If not, it’s just opinion. Look, John is a good friend, but I’d want to know more about how he formed his opinion.

A blind triangle test for something as subjective as taste? That is a stretch unless you can devised a way to insure that all the taste buds utilized were calibrated to the same degree of sensitivity for sweetness, bitterness and mouth feel. The only way to make any valid assessment would be to send two different beer samples to a lab for analysis. And the good thing is you get to keep the third beer to drink for yourself! :smiley:

But isn’t taste why we drink beer? I don’t know about you, but when I sit down with a pint I care about the flavor, not the numbers.

We are in complete agreement! Which is why you can triple blind taste test beer, wine, chocolate or oranges and whatever results or conclusions you derive are basically meaningless to an individual.

Yes rebuilt cellars, you got it right. And thats how I found out about cask conditioning, in my simple way. Refractors are the greatest while brewing, I didn’t know it was way off when alcohol was in solution…… So I gave up on a batch coming down in gravity, tossed it, er , racked it into the keg. Fridge was full of kegs, this one sat out for couple of weeks in the basement. I tapped it and it poured beautifully . Been doing this for quite some time, AND use a hydrometer for the finish product. Refractometer reads high, when its actually quite lower…… Sneezles61 :blah: