Yes brewing weekend

Gonna brew all weekend. Ok sunday only beer transfer day to kegs. Today at home a tripple. Around 3. Today. With my brew buddy. Love this. Brewing beers. Metal music. On my tripple a 10 gall brew at 1.070. Using hallertau hops. Tomorow at brewery. Tripple as well. But bit more proberly 3 sessions looking forward

Sounds like fun @wilcolandzaat . Slow weekend here. Have to take my Bock out of fermentation fridge and leave at ambient for a diacetyl rest.

Sounds like a hectic pace. I’m thinking of throwing something in tomorrow probably a bock good lager brewing weather here

Bock sounds good. Not so bad. Got my mash going. My water heating. Now we wait. My buddy does come at 4. But tomorow more work. While waiting for the mash. Transfer beers to the keg. And cleaning fermentor at the brewery

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Picking up ingredients for a Black IPA from my LHBS on the way home from work today for brewday Sunday. :+1:


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I haven’t had a chance to brew yet this year. :cry:
I have a Lefse Blond extract kit on hand. I also have enough grains and hops on hand for a couple different 3-gallon AG recipes. I’m hoping to find time to brew this weekend.

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I probably do an amber ale on Sunday. Have a porter and IPA still active in the fermentors.

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Better get one going then Maybe a procrastinator ale

First brew day of the year for me, too. Doing a bière de mars while my outdoor lagering chamber is still working. Have the yeast starter ready, now just need the time to get it done!

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An American wheat…with a little bit of rye and more mandarina Bavaria hops than last time…last keg disappeared.

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Now THAT sounds delicious. Can you post the recipe?

3gal batch…3# golden promise…3# wheat…1/2# pale rye. 0.3 oz of mb at 60, 30, 10, 5, 1. Upping the 10,5,1 additions this time. K-97 yeast…which gave a very nice mouth feel.

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Or, in the middle… Sneezles61 :tired_face:

@flars how did your porter come out? Tapped mine today, nice, balanced quaffable ale.

Porter is on day 18 in the fermentor. Second SG shows final gravity of 1.019 with WY 1332. If it tastes as good coming out of the bottle with a little carbonation as the SG samples tasted it’s a keeper. Probably bottle in four or five days.

The IPA was bottled on the 19th. Refilled the fermentor with an American amber ale.

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