Yeast cake question

I am planning on making a RYE IPA, (probably the all grain recipe in the NB guie). Scince I have a beer in the Fermenter that I used a 1056 American Ale I want to pitch onto that yeast cake, or at least reuse that yeast.

Is there a special way to do this?

I was mainly wondering if it is ok to put the new beer in the used fementer right on the trub and yeast with the scumm ring and all, or should I clean it somehow?

Would it be safer to pour the yeast cake into a growler let the trouble settle than add the yeast to the new beer in a cleaned/sanatized fermenter?

Not sure if this makes any sense but any help would be great.

You can use either method, but I am partial to the method where you put the new wort right on top of the old yeast cake, ring and all.

I pitch right on top of the cake. But I ladle out a pint mason jar worth and use it for a starter for something else sometimes.

Ladling out a pint is a good idea so that you can use it for another brew. I normally pour it into three or four mason jars and then pitch out of the middle jar. The first and last don’t have the best yeast, but I keep them as backups. Also I clean the bucket before pitching.

Here are some I did recently: ... easts.html

if you’re doing a rye ipa from northern brewer do Denny’s Rye Smile. Not sure if that is what you were talking about or not but its good.