WY3333 for a Kristalweizen

Hi All, it’s been suggested I use 3333 to get a real clear upcoming Kristalweizen. Anyone out there with experience using this strain? Also, Wyeast states the bigger the pitch the less the banana; my truest desire. Looking for any input. I’d imagine adding gelatin before kegging would be icing on the cake???

And this is why I visit this site… Kristallweizen. Never heard of it. Had to google it and I’ll be damned! You weren’t just making that word up. Well thank you Steppedonapoptop! You taught me something today.

@ Dobe :wink:
I’ve managed to pick up Brother Lenard’s passion for super clear beer and wanted to carry this over to a hefe. That’s my story anyway. At lunch I picked up a couple bottles of Weihenstephaner Kristallweissbier. For scientific purposes only, I’ll drink this beer to get a baseline for my batch. :slight_smile:

Non-cloudy wheat beer (weizenbier)…Kristal clear even :wink:

[quote=“Steppedonapoptop”]@ Dobe :wink:
I’ve managed to pick up Brother Lenard’s passion for super clear beer and wanted to carry this over to a hefe. That’s my story anyway. At lunch I picked up a couple bottles of Weihenstephaner Kristallweissbier. For scientific purposes only, I’ll drink this beer to get a baseline for my batch. :slight_smile: [/quote]
I did NB’s bavarian hefeweizen that after a few months turned into a Kristalweizen. Give 'em enough time and the yeast will all settle out.

Well that’s going on the ‘Future Brews Docket’. I’m thinking sometime in May/June.

Good timing a batch of this for hot weather. That’s the plan on my end.

Weihenstephaner Kristal is one I plan to mimic if possible. Had one yesterday after yard work and it was perfect for a warm afternoon!