What do you folks get for a FG on Denny’s Wry Smile? I brewed mine on 5/4 and had an OG of 1.078. Today (6/1) I took a gravity reading and went to throw in the dry hops and got a reading of 1.034. Sounds kinda high to me but am not sure.
More importantly I’m hoping this batch isn’t ruined. I have left it in the primary the whole time (4 weeks now) and when I opened the fermenter I saw little white foamy dots all over the top along with the leftover krausen material. As I was taking my sample I noticed kind of a thin film, similar to what I’ve seen in the brew kettle during a boil many times. I tasted my hydrometer sample and it didn’t taste rancid or anything. However I had another sealed bucket next to it full of sanitizer I had mixed up about a week and half before hand and that, to my surprise, was moldy (green and black furry spots). I guess we’ll see in a week when I keg it what I end up with.