Would Cacao overpower Espresso or vise versa?

Trying to be a little creative with a Black IPA and was wondering if I added some nibs and espresso to my secondary would both flavors be there or would one overpower the other. And, if they do fight each other, which one would you be inclined to add?
Thanks, Mike

For stouts, I’ve used both course ground starbucks beans and course ground nibs in equal amounts and the coffee really overpowers the nibs. the next time i do it, I’ll probably use 2x nibs.

i think the coffee beans over power because the stout already gets an espresso/coffee flavor from the grain, so when you and more, it’s just too much for the nibs.


Thanks for the response. I added nibs exclusively last night. At least it will give me a baseline for future infusions of the same course.