Wisconsin Bill 290 - homebrew related!

They say, sometimes silence is golden. Now where the statutes were once gray on an issue, it is instead against the law to not be in literal compliance. I guess that’s where I was going with it. But I’m mostly just playing the devil.

I’d have no problem flaunting the law by pouring some homebrew at a small gathering or club meeting, but I’d be scared to do it if I was in business.

I just went to the WHA website, and discussions are becoming more interesting… cider is still not fully addressed, it’s still not 100% crystal clear in the proposed language whether homebrewers can serve wherever we want without any legal repercussions, and many people are already declaring victory even though the State Senate and the Governor have not passed and signed the bill yet. This whole thing is just driving me crazy. People are declaring victory but it still just seems to me like a mess that will need to be cleaned up later. Ugh. Hopefully I’m wrong, but I won’t be surprised if we determine, AFTER the bill is signed, that certain activities are still illegal and we’ll have to go through the whole dang process over again… I wish we had 5 more minutes to make sure our ducks were in a row before we go putting this stuff on the table. I fear it’s just going to get screwed up and we’ll have to fix it again. Ugh…