Wine Aged Belgian Tripel

Anyone ever make or taste a beer such as this? A friend of mine has a winery and they have oak that was aged with the wine and suggested making a beer like this, but I have no idea on if it’s even worth it or if anyone has a solid recipe to use.

Its worth it :grinning:

Is it red or white wine? I’ve been looking for a pinot noir barrel to fill with my saison

I put a bottle of Pinot noir in a 3 gallon batch of a sour cherry saison that came out very nice.

It was Noiret!

My mind says a Duvel style would do very nice… End up with a slightly darker, perhaps strawberry blonde color… TRY IT!! :yum: Sneezles61

Noiret is a great red wine, mint aromas, alittle raspberry some green and black pepper flavors. I would love to have a chance to age some beer in Noiret barrel. A Saison would be great beer to do. Would be my second choice. My first would be a Sour beer like gose or Berliner Weisse. Something to let all the flavors and aromas shine! Got to say I’m little jealous lol😁

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Hey @brew_cat, when did you add the bottle of pinot to your three gallon batch?

At kegging

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I just brewed a belgian strong golden-ended up 10%. At bottling (after about 3 weeks in primary) I added an oaked chardonnay to some of it at the rate of about 330ml/gallon. My younger brother, who swears by St.Bernardus Abt 12, cannot get enough of this beer. It ended up less sweet than Abt 12, and of course lighter in color. But the wine gives it a very unique taste. Just enough to make you ask, “what is that?” Very pleasant. Also did the same thing with a belgian blond. Great result as well. Next best thing if you don’t have a barrel.




Love abt 12.