Wind slowing up my brew day

It’s really windy here and I am brewing in the driveway with makeshift wind breaks - anybody got a good one they use? Mine is just a fold in half table on its side and a long piece of scrap sheet metal resting on the other side. It took almost 80 minutes to get a 10 gallon batch up to boil - usually half that at most.

But at least I am brewing…


I’ve made a couple out of aluminum flashing and some pop rivets, as described in “Brew Ware”:

As long as it fits around your system, a simple cylinder (notched for your gas line and any pot fittings) should do the trick.

I have the same problem with wind. it’s really frustrating.

My banjo burner has a lot of space between the burner and the brew kettle leaving a lot of room for wind to get in between.

I have often thought about getting a few thin sheets of metal to wrap around the outside of the banjo burner

I brew in my basement now, but when I used to brew outside, I just tried to make a point of setting up on a side of the house/garage that blocked the wind. I have also pulled my pickup truck with topper along side (not too close) and used that to block wind.

Got your local building supply store and look for or ask for “Coil Stock.” It is 18" or 24" aluminum flashing. You may be able to buy just a few feet off an open roll, if your local HW store does that, otherwise you may need to hunt down a contractor “friend.” make a cylinder (or a square tube, depending on the shape of the stove), as another poster has suggested, but keep it pretty tight to the outside of your setup, within a half inch or so. drill some holes in the bottom to allow combustion air in and to allow a little convection. It helps to place the aluminum between two pieces of plywood or scraps of wood to drill without “pulling” the holes. you want pretty large holes, about 1/2" or better.

Yep, windy as H-Pylori here in Ellensburg n all I do is either brew in the utility room w/ the door open or simply burn an extra lb. of propane :smiley:

Maybe ask a culvert company if they have a leftover piece they’d give you, then cut a notch with a metal cutting disk for your circular saw, like this. It works great, doesn’t heat up, and really blocks the wind. I’ve brewed in +20 mph winds no problem. If you do go this route, be sure to use an angle grinder, or maybe a wheel brush on a drill, to buff down the jagged cut edges. It isn’t too heavy either.

I have a friend who’s done this and it worked slick, although his was to maximize conservation of propane, since he already brewed in the front entrance of his garage, with the door mostly down, thereby blocking most of the wind.

I take it you don’t have a garage to brew in?

Actually, I have a garage, but it started out to be a windless day, so I thought I would roll my brew stand out in the drive. By the time the mash was done and the wort in the kettle working toward boil, the wind picked up. I did not want to try to move at that point. The brew stand usually stays in the garage, but this time it got me wondering what others do to try to block the wind…

20 mph is a typical day here in Kansas! I like your idea though. My burner is in the center of a few cement blocks. They support the weight of my keg kettle and block the wind.

For my brew stand it would take a pretty big load of blocks, but my wife is thinking about an outdoor firepit, so maybe a combo setup could work (log storage area/brew stand windbreak on the leeward side!) I like your thinking…
