Who's brewing what today?

I brewed a Belgian White yesterday.

Gave up alcohol for Lent. Everything should be nicely lagered by Easter. Getting lots of brewery maintenance projects done, though.

I brewed a SNPA clone on Thursday and today I brewed Honey Weizen…Until Thursday, I hadn’t brewed in over 4 months…I’m glad to be at it again!


Not today but on Thursday brewed an IPA with 3 oz of Fuggles hops and a Wyeast Thames Valley 1275 yeast. Bubbling happily away as I write.

Tomorrow is my first brew day since October. Making a Munich Hels and a Bohemian Pilsner. Worried about my yeast starter for the Hels, no activity yet…

Brewed an American Wheat yesterday. The airlock is clicking along merrily.

Kolsch tomorrow. Chinook IPA next weekend.

Nelson Sauvin Pale Ale. The house smells great!

I am finally getting around to brewing my Brooklyn Lager clone recipe. I’ve had this idea and recipe sitting around for a while now and finally am getting to it because I have a full pipeline of beer and figured this one could sit and lager for a bit.

[quote=“Jimmie322”]I brewed a SNPA clone on Thursday and today I brewed Honey Weizen…Until Thursday, I hadn’t brewed in over 4 months…I’m glad to be at it again!

:cheers: [/quote]
any chance of getting that SNPA recipe?

I got together with a couple brewing friends, and we threw down three simultaneous batches, including a partigyle. I brewed Ken Lenard’s Home Run Red, with an altered hops schedule (all homegrown Cascade and Centennial). All told, we cranked out 25 gallons of beer and smoked 6 racks of pork ribs. Shared some homebrews and played cribbage. Great Day! :cheers:

Just finished drinking up my Hope & King Scotch ale and Irish Red ale…Just bottled Dawson’s Kriek Cherry ale…and currently in primaries I have Cascade Mountains west coast imperial IPA and Houblonmonstre Tripel IPA…I will be busy this year since I will be adding a third kit this year. :cheers:

Karl’s 90 Shilling today. Also tasted my Irish Red (not a fan, we’ll see how it ages) and bottled my SHBB.

Dark IPA

It is 25 degrees outside which means I’m inside. Since I’m an outdoor only brewer and I hate the cold my brewing is on hold until spring has sprung. This is the time of year when I drink up my stock and go buy some “commercial research”.

sounds like everyone is busy at work!

It’s never too cold for brewing. And come on, your from Wisconsin, 25* is reason for rejoicing. Well, at least it is in MN.

Just cleaned up from a brewday. Racked some Czech Lager out of primary and harvested the Wyeast 2124 and then brewed up a batch of my Bordertown Dark Lager. It was sunny and maybe 30-35° here today. No worries with the weather and the ground water is perfect for chilling wort! Cheers.

Made an Oktoberfest for an event next fall

Just brewed NB’s Shining Star pale ale. Changed it up a little. Sure smelled good with Pallisade,centennial, and columbus hops. Also moved lager for D-rest. Good day while consuming plenty of homebrews!! 8)