Where to get GOOD vanilla beans

Anyone have a good source to get quality vanilla beans. Going in an AG porter.

Thanks in advance!!

[quote=“DrGonzo”]Anyone have a good source to get quality vanilla beans. Going in an AG porter.

Thanks in advance!![/quote]

Penzey’s spices usually has the good stuff…

I have used the Madagascar vanilla beans from whole foods several times. Never been disappointed.

However, they are quite proud of them!



I use beanilla.com
and have been very happy with them. They are very reasonable and shipping is pretty cheap. I have purchased the Madagascar Vanilla beans from them several times for different brews.


I get all of my herbs and spices from Penzey’s or The Spice House. I’ve been happy with their vanilla beans.

Penzeys has storefronts throughout the country. The Spice House is in Chicago, but they ship fast.

www.hawaiianvanilla.com. Not the cheapest, but by far the best of all the sources I've tried.

I have purchased from several of the above merchants over the years with decent results. The last 3 years, I have purchased through my LHBS (Cap’n’Cork Homebrew Supplies) and their beans are so wet and juicy that I couldn’t believe it. They are $11.25 per ounce but unbelievably fresh.
