5 ft lines serving at 11-12 psi at 35F. I still get a bit of excess foam on the first pour. I’m considering adding a 9-10 ft line at 17 or so psi (need to experiment) for Belgian Ale since I have the option to use a second co2 tank or my secondary regulator through my main co2 tank. At least have a picnic tap set that way for inside the kegerator since I only have 3 mounted taps and don’t always have Belgian in the rotation.
Well, it’s only been a couple weeks since I finished building out my keezer, but 5 ft. lines seem to be working just fine for me so far. My temp controller is set for 37 and my regulator at 10psi. I get a very manageable amount of foam.
Initially I used picnic taps for a month or two at 9psi, with my tank inside the keezer. Since I’ve installed my collar/Perlicks and moved my tank outside, I’ve noticed I need to bump the output on my regulator up a bit to achieve a similar level of carbonation.
3 kegs and picnic taps. I’ve got a 21 Y.O. brother in Lay who lives here and I don’t really trust him so I went with the picnic taps and a chest freezer with a lock on it.