i have a pale ale in ferm, been there since sunday (4 days now) krausen is starting to ebb. I want to dry hop with 1.25 oz citra (2.5 G batch). cold crash and/or bottle and/or keg. i read a technique about just tossing pellets in as krausen is fading…i like it. A problem arises as i don’t have all components of my kegerater. i have kegs and c02 but no way of getting c02 INTO keg (i’m ordering in next week).
i would like to know what would be my best option…
1). drop naked pellets in ferm on day 5 as krausen is ebbing/////leave for a week and begin cold crash at 40°for 3 -7 or more days and then put in keg and force carb
2). leave ale in ferm until keg accessories arrive (hopefully by 1/20 - totalling 15ish days) then dry hopping for a week then cold crash at 40° for 4 days then kegging (i used whirfloc also)
3). wait until I hit FG then put in keg at 40°(no carb - with pellets in sanitized sack) until accessories arrive then carb
4). something else i haven’t thought of (or mentioned - including bottling)