What’s Brewin’?

Not necessarily if you pour into a glass which you should always do especially with a bottle conditioned beer.

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Just kegged a coconut Porter. Have to keg a wit soon. Will also have a red lager that I made with a Mexican lager yeast (not my coveted wlp940) and I think I may regret it. I used it on a Mexican lager and it was ‘meh.’


You know allot of beer I taste is meh to me but others like it so who knows. Thats why home brewing is nice we can brew to our own taste.


Bingo BrewCat! Once you have the process understood, you can brew to yer taste… Buds…. (:
Just a chef, when I saved yeast, I would do a starter with fresh yeast, build it up enuff so you can pitch a quarter cup and save a quarter cup under a beer cap…

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Nice! Thanks for the tip.

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Did Caption’s Ration Export Stout kit from our hosts two weeks ago with some college buddies before our annual weekend hangout. Today, I am brewing my Great Lakes Christmas Ale clone and realized that I accidentally used my 1098 in the stout last week instead of the Omega 005 I had planned. :man_facepalming: Guess I’ll use my spare US-04 today as Irish Ale yeast doesn’t seem to fit in my brain with Christmas ale.


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finishing up the year with my Stone Man IPA. Brewed this one a lot this year so its only appropriate. Not sure what we will be brewing come the new year but we will see. what do you all have planned for next season?

Have to get some hoppy beers back in the pipeline as they’ve all apparently evaporated :rofl:
Bo’s Pale Ale and Big Sur on deck and hope to brew some Belgian styles this coming year….none in 2023.

Ah… well… still in “wiring” mode in my new garage…

BVIP and Captain’s Ration foreign Export stout both went into kegs to carb while we’re out visiting the inlaws. Great Lakes Christmas clone will go into keg next weekend as it wasn’t quite ready yet when I transferred the other two. First up next year will be my annual Nugget Nectar clone paired with Plinian Progeny from our hosts which went on a ridiculous sale that I couldn’t pass up after Thanksgiving. :grin:


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What is BVIP?

Baltic vanilla Imperial Porter

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I believe it is Bourbon Vanilla Imperial Porter but it is essentially a Baltic Porter.


Ahhh… thank you gentlemen! Musta had a senior moment…

Sorry, Denny’s Bourbon Vanilla Imperial Porter that I make every year. :sunglasses:


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brewed my Oyster stout today with CT oysters harvested about 10 miles from here. I’ve only used Cape Cod oysters before. Interested to see the difference.


Hey, BC, hope you are doing OK… Upstream from the dam that is in jeopardy ?

that was in Norwich I believe. Eastern part of the state. plenty of flooding around here though. my driveway took a hit

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Hope you’re safe. Would like to hear how this batch turns out and if you can tell a difference.

the flavor of the CT oysters is more minerally and salty. CT oysters are grown naturally on oyster reefs whereas the Chatham oysters are raised in baskets off the floor. Oysters have terrior. The same animal will taste different taken in different areas. The Oyster stout does’nt taste of oyster it gets rhe flavor from the minerals. The wort tasted good and the fermentation is strong. The shells make for happy yeast

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