What/if to dry hop my fresh hop brew?

ok, I have 2 fresh hops brews going now, (from my home grown hops!)
one bittered with Warrior, one with Magnum)

question is: do I dry hop? or just leave alone and enjoy as a pale ale with the wonderful flavor of the fresh hops?

(I usually dry hop almost every beer I brew)

here’s what I have:
a 1.056 pale ale in secondary now, bittered with Warrior, then all the rest fresh Cascade hops, IBU 56.

I could dry hop with a few ounces of Amarillo?
I just don’t want to take anything away from the fresh Cascade.

if I do, seems like Amarillo would compliment Warrior and Cascade?
(also have Cent and Citra, which I don’t think would be good)

thoughts anyone?

Take half and bottle or keg and then dry hop the other half?

APA should have moderate to high hop aroma and flavor if you go by the BJCP style guideline. IMO it should be high, so dry hopping would be mandatory for me. I’d go with two ounces in a five gallon batch as a ROT.