Weird day for me and competitions

I entered the same imperial stout in two different competitions that were both being judged today. I was a little bummed when the results of the Final Gravity Strong Beer comp (102 entries) were announced and I didn’t place in my category.

But this evening I got word that the same beer took 3rd place out of 277 beers in the Babble Brew Off. So I’ve got that going for me… which is nice. :slight_smile:

It will be interesting to see how the score sheets compare :slight_smile:

A good end to the day I think :cheers:

That sort of thing happens . . . I have seen the same thing. If I am really interested in refining a recipe and getting quality feedback, I will enter the same beer in 4-5 bigger competitions and then sort of average the scores and advice of the higher ranking judges that score my beer to come up with an overall impression of what I want to possibly change with the beer in the future.

As an example - I have a pilsner that I entered in 5 competitions - 2 firsts, 1 second, 1 third in the 4 biggest comps (400,450,800,1000 entries). Averaged a score of 40 in those comps. I also sent it to a smaller comp with about 180 entries - scored a 23 and did not place (obviously). I am still waiting on that score sheet and am curious as to why it scored so low. Things happen. Could have sent a bad bottle maybe, novice judges, mix ups, or who knows. Never put too much stock in one set of scores - try to get a few sets and see what consistently comes up.

Congrats on the babble placing though, that is great!

I have also had the same experience. Always fun to see the how different judges score the same beer.
Congrats on placing!