Water for my next brew

Getting ready to brew 2 light colored belgians-a strong golden and a blonde. Brunwater is telling me that I don’t need any acidification in either mash or sparge. Mainly Pilsener malt with a tiny bit of caramel. Using distilled water and building up. I think the no acid thing is correct, I just want to be sure. It’s been a while. Any thoughts appreciated.



Are you using the mash acidification tab in brunwater? Just checking :grinning:

Sounds about right…i know if I do a pilsner with distilled and an ounce or so of carafa special for color it comes in about 5.6ph…your caramel malt may be enough to get you closer. You can trust Brunwater.

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I agree, partly. What pH are you shooting for?

No carbonate/bicarbonate in DH20, so nothing that acid needs to counteract.
Believe the Brunwater…

Using the mash acidification page and it shows zero acid to be added. I think it’s shooting for 5.5 ph maybe. I’ve got 4 ounces of biscuit that is 22 lov. 4 ounces of cara 8. The rest is pilsner. This is definitely the lightest beer I’ve done in a while, so I guess the no acid thing just threw me a little. Thanks for all the assurance.



If your water is pretty soft, no special treatment is probably necessary.

Especially if you’re shooting for 5.5 rather than something lower like 5.2.

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