Surfing Youtube and I found this video. I think he is trying to brew Cream Ale, but im not sure he is doing it right. I had a good laugh, so I thought I would be nice enough to share it. points:
I do prefer that people who prepare food/drink for me wash the engine grease off their hands first, but I’m a bit of a snob that way.
If he’s making beer he likes to drink I won’t argue, but he needed 4 gallons of top-off water for a 5-gallon batch, I’m not sure I get how that’s possible.
First, I’m pretty sure this dude was drunk before the camera started rolling.
Second, if he’s correct that the corn syrup is two pounds, it would be ~30% of the fermentables. Can you say “off flavors?”
Third, in what world is it “safe” to pitch Notty at 78°F? Can you say “off flavors?”
Best case: this guy makes homebrewers look like morons. Worst case: people adopt his practices.
A $35 kit is “cheap”?
Interesting aeration. :shock:
what’s that they say " it take all kinds" and " if it makes you happy" oh ya one more" just do it"
well it took me 2 or 3 batches to figure out that you do not pitch above 68 I wonder how long it takes others.
here’s the best thing that has just happened , hopefully no one has to get a d U I getting more beer from the store latter.
What surprised me was that he rehydrated his yeast. For someone who likes short cuts that should not have been an option.
I wouldn’t normally comment on something like this, but this bothers me. Folks who homebrew are free to brew the beer they like, the way they want.
Is it the most technically correct way to brew? Probably not, but that’s the beauty of homebrewing to me. You do what works for you. Sure, they opened themselves to criticism by posting a video on YouTube, but my guess is they don’t take themselves too seriously. I know there are many of you who are very serious about homebrewing, and bless you for that – we need people like you to help us beginners along. However, it doesn’t do anybody any good to tear into another fellow homebrewer who was quite clearly having fun and apparently made good beer.
Anyway, I love coming to this forum – people have been extremely helpful to me when I ask very rudimentary questions, so why the undeserved criticism to someone, who by the way, didn’t even post to this forum?
Back when I used to brew extract kits (last year ) I didn’t have a chiller so I would routinely put the 1 gallon jugs in the Fridge and then the morning of the brew day I would move them to the freezer to get them as cold as possible. Once done with the boil I would pour in 2 gallons of the freezing cold distilled water in to the carboy with a funnel then the boil and then another gallon of the water to get to my 5 gallons. I would then shake the heck out of the carboy to mix up the contents and it would routinely be at a temperature of about 70 degrees. Worked good for me.
Hey at least he IS using distilled water.
[quote=“apf87c”]I wouldn’t normally comment on something like this, but this bothers me. Folks who homebrew are free to brew the beer they like, the way they want.
Is it the most technically correct way to brew? Probably not, but that’s the beauty of homebrewing to me. You do what works for you. Sure, they opened themselves to criticism by posting a video on YouTube, but my guess is they don’t take themselves too seriously. I know there are many of you who are very serious about homebrewing, and bless you for that – we need people like you to help us beginners along. However, it doesn’t do anybody any good to tear into another fellow homebrewer who was quite clearly having fun and apparently made good beer.
Anyway, I love coming to this forum – people have been extremely helpful to me when I ask very rudimentary questions, so why the undeserved criticism to someone, who by the way, didn’t even post to this forum?
Maybe you missed the point. I didn’t post this to criticize anyone. I think the funny part is the way he talked and didn’t know the name of almost everything he used. I agree, you gota do what you gota do to get the job done. If the beer turns out the way you want it, then you did it right. But you have to admit, this was funny.
I agree. There’s plenty to chuckle about in this video without critiquing his brewing process. Grain sugar (cane sugar) comes to mind.
This really made me laugh, mainly because 25 yrs ago I wasn’t too far from the video. I bought 2.2kg cans of extract from King Soopers, in a blue can, and people would say, if you want more alc. add more sugar. First time I went to a LHBS house the guy said NO!NO!NO! to the sugar and add more extract and it started from there. Hey! The Guy Made Beer!! And they didn’t show any signs that it was terrible. I say it was a hell-of-a start! Way cool video!! This is good stuff!
I don’t care what this dude does in the privacy of his own home. He deserves what he gets, however, when he publicly posts what is clearly intended as an instructional video and this video includes indisputably bad advice pertaining to fundamentals of the process.
My “moron” comment was probably a bit harsh, but I’m not going to retract it. If you’ve ever gotten that “what planet are you from” look after telling people that you homebrew, you have to admit this guy isn’t doing you or the homebrew community any favors.
Nah, he’s not loaded because he has too good of an aim pouring that water into the bucket.
2 bottles of corn syrup……hmm….I don’t do extract any more and now I kinda want to try this with a cream ale and see how it turns out.
Hey more power to him he’s having fun and making beer that’s what it’s all about. I was thinking he was going to add dairy at some point
That was funny!
Entertaining for sure. There was a better one I saw years ago. I think it was called “making mead the Skori way” (couldn’t find it on youtube). The guy boiled his honey and then poured his boiling hot honey into a glass carboy sitting on the floor while barefoot (spilling it on himself I might add). He then proceeds to top it off with ice water. He fills the carboy up to within an inch of the top. In another segment he tells about how a chunk of fruit from his mead got stuck in the airlock and blew it all over his living room. He also explains how when yeast are doing their thing they are “crapping and farting”. THAT video is one to watch and use as an example of what not to do.
I don’t care what this dude does in the privacy of his own home. He deserves what he gets, however, when he publicly posts what is clearly intended as an instructional video and this video includes indisputably bad advice pertaining to fundamentals of the process.
My “moron” comment was probably a bit harsh, but I’m not going to retract it. If you’ve ever gotten that “what planet are you from” look after telling people that you homebrew, you have to admit this guy isn’t doing you or the homebrew community any favors.[/quote]
I won’t criticize but I will agree that if you post some things on the web and there are things in your video that might steer people in the wrong direction, that’s not good for our hobby. Alton Brown did a brewing show on Good Eats that was skewered quite nicely by brewers because of some things that were either unclear or just wrong. If it gets more people into homebrewing and they find a good way to brew good beer that they like, that’s awesome. If this video gets someone to part with $100 (equipment, a kit, etc) and the beer is bad and that person is out $100 and doesn’t continue to brew, that’s not awesome. Some people might say… leave the instructional videos to those who are qualified to make one. Sorry if that was harsh.
At least he didn’t take his shirt off and lube him self up with disinfectant before he transferred his beer, now that guy made me laugh.
He sounds like Dan Conner.
I was thinking of him too. I think he also put plastic sheeting around like a Dexter kill room in one video.