Vacation soon

2 more days of work. Than 12 days of. Prep for regatta kegging the brews. Plan as well for 3 brew sessions. A pale ale. A vannila choc stout. And a kriek lambic. For my sister. She does come the end of February. Time to brew for my self again to. Busy brewing for regatta.


You are very busy! Be sure to spend some time with yourself… Sneezles61

Thank you. Spending time in my brew area. By myself. Makes me relaxed. Nobody talks to me. Do my own thing. Plan my first brew wedness day. Tuess day transfer day. Mango habenero. Now this one makes me curius. Got to taste see if there is some light mango. And spicy taste. Was sort of afraid. To use habenero. Did use one pepper during the boil. See if this was enough. Not to spicy i hope