Using wet hops

I found this earlier post.


It states to use 5 times the whole wet hops that you would normally use as dry.

Can anyone confirm this is generally the rule of thumb they use or is there another ratio?

That’s what I’ve used, and it seems about right.

Don’t however expect to get consistent bittering from home grown hops. The AA value changes year-to-year, and the first brew that you use them in is something of a best guess as a result.

Yep, if bittering with them, error on the lowest aa to get an approximation of bitterness.

[quote=“Lowville”]I found this earlier post.


It states to use 5 times the whole wet hops that you would normally use as dry.

Can anyone confirm this is generally the rule of thumb they use or is there another ratio?[/quote]

Yes, I can confirm that, both by personal experience and by what I know commercial brewers do.

Thanks everyone.

About Labor Day my hops are ready to pick. I’m going to use them fresh.