Someone gave me a counter flow chiller and I’m not sure if I want to use it. Any pros or cons. I’m fine with my IC
Pro: cools quicker
Con: takes a more detailed cleaning regiment
So instead of chilling I’ll be cleaning?
That’s a good way to look at it. It’s not difficult as all you need to do is recirculatie cleaner through it and then rinse it. But if you hate cleaning I would avoid one.
I just got to twisting one up from some copper I had. I haven’t put to use, yet it seems from whats written about them, they are faster. I haven’t heard of any problems from cleaning. I could see with the convoluted inner copper being a problem. Sneezles61
The cleaning and the clogging. Also I’ve been experimenting doing my hopstand at 180deg which is easy with the IC.
My son in law built it for me and it’s a beauty. Copper in copper so I’ll have to use it. I’m thinking only for lagers though. There is a lot less hop mater and I am more concerned about chilling faster and colder. Ales not a big deal chilling with my IC.
If it’s an actual CFC and not a plate chiller you don’t need to worry as much about clogging it. One thing I like about my CFC is that I can whirlpool while chilling and can whirlpool while hopping by turning off the water and keeping a low flame on BK.
I use my CFC for all types of beer except for DIPA’s because of the sheer volume of the hop load. That and I have taken to whirlpool hopstanding for them and I find that’s easier to do with my IC. I do get the occasional clog but usually it’s at the very end of the kettle drain and it’s very easily cleared with the assistance of a bike pump. Color me lazy but all I have ever done to clean it out is to run sanitizer through it for about a minute then cap it full of sanitizer. I drain it after I drop my whirlfloc in at 5 mins left on boil. I’ve been using it for 3 years with no issues.