US-05 Yeast Question

Do you use US-05? If so, do you hydrate it before pitching, or just sprinkle it in?

I’ve used it at home for many years and like the results of just pouring in a pack with no re-hydration.

I always rehydrate. One batch I got lazy and just sprinkled it in dry. My lag time was much longer than I was comfortable with and I added a second packet just to be safe. Was it due to sprinkling it in or did I have a bad packet? I can’t say for certain.

I just sprinkle it in and my lag time is usually around 12 hours

I never rehydrate and get great results.

OK, thanks. Do you hit it with oxygen?

OK, thanks. Do you hit it with oxygen?[/quote]

Nope. Not only do I not use oxygen anyway, but with dry yeast it really isn’t necessary. The purpose of oxygenating is so that the yeats can use the oxygen to synthesize streols to build cell walls. There are so many cells in a pack of dry yeast that oxygenation really isn’t needed.

Thanks for the advice. Now if I could just talk my LHBS in carrying it. I have to order it if I want any. He thinks Lallemand is “good enough”

I use US-05 all the time. I’ve tried rehydrating it a few times, it always turned into a clumpy mess so now I just pitch it in dry with the same results.

I always rehydrate. I like the fermentation to get kicking as soon as possible and rehydration does the trick.

OK, thanks. Do you hit it with oxygen?[/quote]

Nope. Not only do I not use oxygen anyway, but with dry yeast it really isn’t necessary. The purpose of oxygenating is so that the yeats can use the oxygen to synthesize streols to build cell walls. There are so many cells in a pack of dry yeast that oxygenation really isn’t needed.[/quote]

Do you mean you don’t use oxygen with dry yeast only, or at all?

On small beers i’ll sprinkle, On big beers I’ll hydrate because i get good results by doing so.

As stated above, I like the shorter lag time.

No need for O2 with dry…with liquid yeast, yes.

Supposedly rehydration (at the proper temperature) will give you better yeast viability, but the cell count in a pack is high enough where it shouldn’t be an issue unless you’re dealing with a super-high gravity. Every taste-test I’ve heard has either found no difference between rehydrated/sprinkled or actually preferred the sprinked beer over the rehydrated. Since the end result is all that matters to me, I sprinkle. Simpler + maybe tastes better = win

I use it all the time, it is essentially my house strain.
Just sprinkle it on top and let it go.

[quote=“Rookie L A”]

OK, thanks. Do you hit it with oxygen?[/quote]

Nope. Not only do I not use oxygen anyway, but with dry yeast it really isn’t necessary. The purpose of oxygenating is so that the yeats can use the oxygen to synthesize streols to build cell walls. There are so many cells in a pack of dry yeast that oxygenation really isn’t needed.[/quote]

Do you mean you don’t use oxygen with dry yeast only, or at all?[/quote]

I don’t use oxygen at all. I use aeration when necessary. Nothing at all for dry yeast, and aeration via a MixStir for liquid yeast (which I always make a starter for).

The key for me is the mixter! Excellent results every time! :cheers: